Carmelitas Delegation
On October 14, 2014, Alberto Varela, who now heads the delegation as Head Advisor, implemented the "MUN" as an extracurricular project for high school students from the Carmelitas school. The following year, in 2015, the First Carmelite Model Conference of the United Nations (CarMUN) was held, which would later become one of the most statistically significant national school conferences.
Achieving the Best Large Delegation in Lima MUN, marked the beggining of numerous awards, both individually and by teams, in recognition of its outstanding participation in national conferences. However, we did not stop here, the delegation moved forward to an international level with many experiences abroad. In January 2020, a 16-member delegation team had the opportunity to experience Harvard MUN 2020 in the USA, Boston. Recently in February 2023, we participated in NAIMUN, from George Town University in Washington DC, winning the Best International Delegation Award.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the delegation opted to continue preparing for and participating in debates in the virtual format. Thus, it maintained a presence on the national circuit, winning multiple awards, and also internationally, successfully participating in MUNUC (Model United Nations of the University of Chicago) and HNMUN-LA (Harvard National Model United Nations Latin America).
At the beginning of April 2024, approximately more than 150 students from all high school grades voluntarily signed up for the delegation, achieving the highest number of team sign-ups to date. With CarMUN 2024, we are celebrating our eleventh anniversary and we want to share a great experience like you've never had before in a model UN, overpassing this record.
"We have started as a delegation, and now we are a family constantly growing"
Training Program
Upon joining the delegation, all students agree to take an active part in the training program, which consists of sessions guided by the team of advisors. In essence, the trainings seek the continuous development of vital soft skills when participating in a MUN conference, through the use of the participatory methodology and the maieutic method.
During the training, the theoretical aspects of the debate are developed, and then these are reinforced through practical exercises, such as MUN simulations, in which they have the opportunity not only to apply the theoretical concepts but also to put soft skills into practice. Finally, the members of the delegation who demonstrate their honest passion for the program are called to form part of the organizing staff of CarMUN.