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Carmelitas Model United Nations 2024 is a 3-day in-person Model UN conference that gives high school students the chance to simulate the diplomacy and dynamics of international relations of the real-world United Nations. At CarMUN, delegates will engage in vigorous and productive debate regarding important global issues while creating and working together toward innovative solutions. During the conference, students will develop important skills such as speaking, negotiation, leadership, problem-solving, critical thinking, and drafting, among others.

Delegates Handbook

The Delegates Handbook is the quintessential guide to our conference. It includes guidelines for general preparation and research, the rules of procedure and much more.​​​​​​​​​​

Letter from Secretary General

Dear faculty advisors, staff members, and fellow delegates, 


My name is Dania Guerrero and this year I’m thrilled to be your secretary general. It is with the greatest pleasure to finally welcome you to CarMUN 2024! For more than a decade Carmelitas Model United Nations has endeavored for the building of new ideas through the development of confidence and leadership skills, using diplomacy as a tool for the bettering of our world. 

















​Guided by our school's values, the secretariat is dedicated to extending our ethos globally. One where respect and diplomacy reign the dialogue between all, where the principles of the UN are followed and rightfully recognized. The lack of seriousness in today’s reality reflects in every single aspect of our world, even, in MUN conferences, treating woeful issues with flippancy. That is why this year’s conference theme is “Making diplomacy great again”.


This year’s conference aims to cultivate your skills as a delegate, encouraging you to perceive beyond mere words spoken. Regardless of your role within the conference, we aspire for every delegate, staff member, and faculty advisor to have their voice heard. Beyond fulfilling the procedural duties of the organization we emulate, our goal is to foster meaningful debate. Collaboration is key—working together to identify and achieve shared objectives paves the way for a brighter future. Every fire starts with a spark, and it begins with believing in your limitless potential.

I joined CarMUN sometime around 2021 and 2022, the year after the pandemic, when everything was a fresh start for everyone and it was not to be an exception for me. I became part of this “club” that I now call family in inspiration that my brother had before, and he also inspired me to better myself at this one thing. Today, I can objectively say that I’ve superseded him in this. At first I was not really scared, but nervous of what was to come. The concept that surrounded MUN was such a positive environment that I was excited to finally see what the future was going to bring and what opportunities were to come. Being the youngest of our delegation was not easy, being the only one who didn’t know a thing about the UN was even harder, nonetheless with the help of our faculties and coaches it came to be an entertaining and enriching experience where I was able to play a whole new persona. Now, after almost 3 years, I am able to say that the persona I used to play, is me! Finding myself and my path through MUN has been a blessing, and I know I’m not the only one who has done so as well.​​​​​


CarMUN's 2024 Secretariat


Ignacio Prado

Executive Director




Maya Caceres

Under-Secretary General for Substantial Affairs


Diego Castillo

Under-Secretary General for Logistics


Alessia Esparza

Under-Secretary General for Communications and Social Media


Matias Vera

Under-Secretary General for Substantial Affairs


Lucciana Carlos

Under-Secretary General for Logistics


Joaquin Prado

Under-Secretary General for Communications and Social Media


Miranda Merino

Under-Secretary General for Substantial Affairs

CarMUN's Team
Alberto Varela
Head-Faculty Advisor
Eilin Noriega
Faculty Advisor
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